Monday, July 21, 2008

Culturewatch: Pit Stop for Right Guard

In a slightly disturbing move, Right Guard has hired a street team of 'Pitvertisers" to hit the streets and tubes of London according to Watching TV Online.

Each ‘Pitvertiser’ team member is 'armed' - d'oh SO bad I know but I couldn't resist - with a digital TV screen built into the armpit of their shirt. Some would call this an innovated new way for Right Guard to promote its products but to me the whole thing smells funny if you ask me. (Ouch, yes another one!).

Damn, I know TiVo has hurt advertisers but my lord this is a new low. If I see a flood of ‘Crotchvertisers’ hitting the streets of NYC this fall then I’m going to call foul!

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